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The Wrath of the Universe: Black Magic Consequences After Violating the Universal Law of Free Will

Updated: Apr 15

Throughout history, the allure of black magic has enticed individuals seeking power, control, and the ability to fulfill their desires with supernatural assistance. The Universal Law of free will is a fundamental principle governing the human experience, allowing individuals to make choices and decisions that shape their lives. However, some individuals, driven by selfish desires or malevolence, resort to black magic to manipulate or control others against their will. This flagrant violation of the universal law of free will by practicing a black magic has severe consequences, both for the perpetrators of black magic and their innocent victims. In this post I will delve into the grim aftermath of practicing black magic and the price one pays for tampering with the sacred realm of free will.

  • Karmic Retribution

The universe operates on the principle of cause and effect, wherein every action produces an equal and opposite reaction. Engaging in black magic to subjugate others sabotages the delicate balance of this cosmic law, inviting karmic retribution. The negative energies released during these dark rituals tend to boomerang back onto the practitioner, magnifying their misfortune manifold. Such individuals may experience a series of calamities in their personal and professional lives, as if the universe itself is seeking to teach them a profound lesson in empathy and compassion.

  • Spiritual Degradation

Black magic, by its very nature, is a departure from the path of spiritual growth and enlightenment. When one resorts to manipulating others through malevolent means, they drift further away from their spiritual essence, becoming entangled in the web of darkness. The more they persist in violating the free will of others, the deeper they sink into spiritual degradation, losing touch with their innate goodness and connection to the higher realms of existence.

  • Loss of Personal Power

Ironically, those who seek power through black magic ultimately find themselves losing their true personal power. True power lies in self-awareness, self-mastery, and the ability to create positive change through love and respect for others' autonomy. Black magic offers only an illusion of control, trapping the practitioner in a cycle of dependency on dark forces, which can ultimately lead to their own undoing.

  • Attracting Malevolent Entities

Black magic rituals often involve summoning or invoking evil entities to aid in the practitioner's quest for control. However, these malevolent entities are not benevolent allies but parasites that feed off the practitioner's negativity and desires. As the practitioner's soul becomes entwined with dark energies, they become more susceptible to possession and manipulation by these malevolent entities, further complicating their spiritual journey and well-being. These entities may take advantage of the practitioner's vulnerability and seek to control or manipulate them. Such encounters can lead to dangerous and harmful situations, where the practitioner finds themselves at the mercy of these malevolent beings and in most cases has to turn to rescue with an exorcist.

  • Destruction of Relationships

The violation of free will through black magic can lead to the destruction of relationships, both personal and social. When others become aware of being targeted or manipulated through dark arts, trust is shattered, and the bonds of friendship or love are irreparably damaged. This isolation can lead the practitioner to further desperation and loneliness, driving them deeper into the abyss of their destructive practices. Black magic often leads to isolation from mainstream society. It tends to distance practitioners not only from their friends but their family, as even the the most caring ones may fear them due to their association with dark and malevolent practices.

  • Unpredictable Consequences

Black magic is not only morally troubling but also unpredictable in its outcomes. Spells and rituals can backfire, causing harm to the practitioner or innocent people. The energies unleashed during these rituals are powerful and can be difficult to control, leading to unintended consequences that may manifest in various areas of life, including health, relationships, and financial stability. The uncertainty of these repercussions should serve as a deterrent for anyone contemplating dabbling in black magic.

  • Legal and Social Consequences

In many societies, black magic is illegal and considered a punishable offense. Depending on the country's laws, practitioners can face legal consequences, leading to imprisonment or fines. The Salem trials of 1692 are perhaps the most well-known series of witchcraft trials in the Western world. Though notorious, the devastating events that took place in Salem were a comparatively short episode in a much lengthier, violent history. Witch trials took place over the span of about 300 years, during what is known as the early modern period. In total, approximately 45,000 people were executed for the crime of witchcraft, about 75% of whom were women. Consider visiting the Salem Witch Museum in MA to learn more about the Witch Trials of 1692. The museum is based on the actual documents of the trials. The legal consequence and moreover the social stigma attached to black magic can severely damage one's reputation, making it challenging to reintegrate into society even after serving their sentence.

The consequences of violating the universal law of free will through black magic are severe and far-reaching, affecting not only the practitioner but also their innocent victims. Karmic retribution, spiritual degradation, loss of personal power, the attraction of malevolent entities, and the destruction of relationships are some of the grim aftermaths awaiting those who succumb to the temptation of controlling others against their will. Instead of resorting to dark arts, individuals should embrace the values of empathy, respect, and compassion, allowing others the freedom to make their choices and fostering a harmonious existence in the universe. Remember, true power lies not in control but in the ability to uplift and inspire others through love and understanding.


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